We want to SEE you!

While we are all practicing social distancing, let's make the most of it!

We would love to hear from our WXW community about how you are managing work, homeschooling, staying in place, etc. We want to create a virtual space of positivity for all of us to learn and grow while we are not able to see each other face-to-face.

  • Do you have an awesome book to share? What about a recipe for those of us who hate to cook?
  • Maybe you have a tip for managing remote work and homeschooling that teenager who is ALWAYS on Face Time.
  • Are you a mental health expert or financial planner with tips on managing the times?
  • Are you a fitness guru with some tips for individuals or families to move together?
  • What are you looking forward to most when WXW reconvenes?

These are just some ideas to get you thinking!

We want to know what you are doing to help during these times - or perhaps you are struggling and need help with something specific. Please let us know that too so we can be on the lookout for resources to support you.

Shoot a brief video of you sharing a tip and or what you are looking forward to about WXW in 1-2 minutes and you'll be a WXW star on social media.

We, at WXW, want to maintain our encouraging, positive community if even from afar.