Connecting in Times of Crisis & Stress

Thursday, April 28th, 2022, 11:45 am to 1:30 pm

After the last few years it's become even more important to have clarity about who we are and who we ultimately want to become - especially as this impacts where, how, with who, and when (and if!) we connect with others. This then correlates to how we spend our time, what legacies we want to leave, and where our journeys will take us. Inside seasons of stress and crisis, it's even more imperative to have helpful timely clarity.

Join us in an impactful workshop as Sarah Brabbs teaches and guides us - we'll create our own "Season Compass" towards clarity that we leave with - a compass that serves as a useful personal roadmap - a tool to identify now and throughout this year, what's most important for you to do and not do



Sarah Brabbs helps people whenever, wherever, and however she can through guiding, coaching, thought partnering, consulting, and speaking - in her work with individuals, she most often helps people in the midst of or coming up to, a season of significant change, struggle, or growth. She leads groups as a coach as well, similar to what she helps individuals with. And more recently, she founded a private virtual community (more on that below).

She works more long-term with select orgs as well - their leadership, decision-makers, and key stakeholders. These organizations are clear about their mission and values and goals and challenges, yet are still experiencing people-, growth-, or org effectiveness-related issues.

When Sarah speaks, for many listening she catalyzes change - she's one of those people who can be the right person to say something impactful at the right time, that sparks awareness and change. Her approachable, conversational, and frequently humorous style and her talks that involve a combination of learning, exercises, and practical steps to take next, means you'll experience fun and lasting change often, as a result.

Sarah's private virtual community is called Impact + Integrity, which she founded in the early Spring of 2021 with a couple of groups of women who took a couple of courses with her, and became over time and much learning, a community growing together. Impact + Integrity is not open this spring or summer - it'll open again later this year. It's for inquisitive women who find themselves drawn to learn and experience more of what "impact" might look like for them - in line with what's right (integrity) and possible for them - and who appreciate having company and support on their journeys.


The Kensington Hotel

3500 S State St, Ann Arbor, MI 48108

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Check in, casual mingling, delicious lunch
12:00 p.m. - 1:20 p.m. Workshop
1:20 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Wrap-up and close

Cost: $25 early bird pricing!
$35 If Regestered After 4/24